Walnut Creek has always been a pleasant, mostly crime-free little town. As the population (and popularity) of it grows though, we’ve seen more and more brazen crimes.
For whatever reason, car burglary seems to be the crime that is really rising fast in Walnut Creek. Unfortunately, I was recently a victim of such an attack. That’s my car in the picture above, shown in the first space next to the elevator on Locust in the garage at the movie theater downtown.
I believe whoever broke the window saw my small purple duffel bag that is a tool kit I received as a Christmas gift this year. Another car three stalls down also had their window broke and a back pack stolen out of the car. My son and I went to dinner and then the 10:15 showing of LaLaLand which got out at 12:30. There were very few cars and people at that time of night and the police department said their are no cameras in the garage. I think we were watched, cars scoped out and they waited for a quite time to break the window and steal a specific item.
Based on this experience and the cost to fix everything as it doesn’t exceed my deductible is to not leave anything that looks like a purse or a bag in the car and maybe leave it unlocked or if it can be mistaken for a purse, make sure it isn’t in site.