The best Pho in the Creek!

Have you been to Kevin’s Noodle House? The restaurant is also known as Pho Huynh Hiep, and is located near BART on Main (next to Dorito Bros). It is family-owned, and they have six Bay Area locations. The back story is that the family patriarch loved to cook and entertain with traditional Vietnamese dishes from his childhood – especially pho.

His dream had always been to open a Vietnamese restaurant. In 1994, the family DID open their first in Oakland! I had heard about this place from some friends, and decided to try it out a while back. It was phenomenal, to say the least. Now, it’s one of my go-to places when I want something delicious and warm to eat!

My favorite dish is #22B (Chicken & Shrimp Rice Noodle Soup). Of course, that is what you see in the pics from one of my visits, along with fresh spring rolls with shrimp. To be honest, I love this dish so much that I have not ventured further into their menu, but some of the beef dishes look good when I have noticed what other people are eating. You also get a side of bean sprouts, jalapeƱos, basil and, for me, the dreaded cilantro. Add all these veggies with some of their hot or plum sauce into your bowl for a tasty delight!

There’s nothing like a good, hot bowl of pho and Kevin’s Noodle House is the place to go. It can get crowded at lunch and parking is somewhat limited, but well worth the hunt for a parking spot.

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