Walnut Creeks Fiscal Future

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Walnut Creek has a budget problem – so do many other cities with the down turn in our economy over the past few years and we have managed better than most.   The city has been smart in previous years as it did not borrow money and it requires and operates within a balanced budget.  Walnut Creek also has many wonderful programs that makes it a great city to work, play and live.  There are extended library hours, open space, (aging) public pools & buildings, parks, fields, an amazing Civic Arts community, museums and theater.  There are also many services we do not directly see such as the crew that cleans up downtown at the crack of dawn on Saturday & Sunday mornings from the revelers the night before.  Many of these services will be at risk as there is not enough money to continue to fund them and retro fit buildings/pools.  There will be either drastic cuts or tax increase.
I am not advocating either, however I do think it is important to understand what the impact will be, where the city gets their revenue and voice what services you are willing or not willing to be cut.  The city values the communities voice and input.

The City Manager – Ken Nordhoff will be at the Walnut Creek Library – Oak View Room at 7 pm on February 25.   Come, Listen, Speak Up, Participate – this is your community!
 Ken Nordhoff is speaking to a number of groups, in case you cannot meet at the Library:2/11-Grace Presbyterian Church, 3:00PM
3/5-Lindsay Wildlife Museum, 6:30PM
3/19-Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church, 6:30PM
3/12, Peak Education Foundation, City Hall 3rd Floor Conference Room, 6:30PM
3/18, DRAA/Chamber/WCD, City Hall 3rd Floor Conference Room, 9:30AM

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