Cornology & Chaology on Locust St.

Has anyone ducked into Cornology or Chaology on Locust St. downtown? They are in the old Bead House location, two doors down from Peet’s Coffee and across the street from Lark Creek Cafe.


I went in there recently to check them out and both spots are pretty unique! Cornology is expensive for popcorn, but they do give you a ton of popcorn in each bag and have some cool, different flavors. You can get anything from kettle corn to truffle oil corn there!

Chaology serves everything from tea to smoothies to boba, but also has a wide-ranging menu to give a bunch of different options. They do sweet and savory crepes, yogurt and pan-rolled ice cream. Both shops in that location are well worth a try, but if you’re on your way to the movie theater, I would just get my popcorn there!

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