Are you aware there is a thriving public art program in Walnut Creek or do you make the same drive every day not noticing some of the special work residing in the downtown area? Commercial development in Walnut Creek is to thank for the Public Art expansion. In 2000 the stipulation was created that commercial projects over 25,000 sq. ft. must commit no less then 1% of the building costs to an art installation. Smaller projects must also commit a less percentage. A cool concept with the premise that public art helps make our city more livable and more visually stimulating. The experience of public art makes the public areas of buildings and their grounds more welcoming and it creates a deeper interaction with the places we visit, work and live.
Can you think of the many works of art in and around our city? I can’t wait to see the living wall on the building currently being built next to La Fogata on the corner of Main & Mt. Diablo and hey, what about the great visuals on the fences to block the construction site!
If you would like to know more about art in Walnut Creek, join the Bedford Gallery docent led walking tour of our prime public artworks the third Saturday of each month from April – November. Admission is $5. Meet in front of the Lesher for an 11:00 am start which lasts 1 hour. Then enjoy lunch in one of our many wonderful restaurants. What a relaxing way to spend a Saturday.